
Friday, March 11, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday is the official inauguration of Paper Hangover's Flash Fiction Friday!   

Here's the deal -- every week a different contributor is going to give you a writing prompt.  Something to get the words flowing, get you thinking, and help hone your writing skills.  Then, link your post in the comments, and we'll jump around and read everyone's.  

It's meant to be fun.  You can take the prompt seriously, or have a little fun with it.  You're choice.  My prompt for you this week:

In 300 words or less, tell us a story beginning with, "That darn cat..."

My entry is called Kitty War.

More entries from our contributor's blogs:

Y(A)? Cuz We Write!

Michael L. Martin Jr.

The prompt for next Friday is:  In 300 words or less, write a story beginning with the cliche, "Another one bites the dust."


  1. Posting a link for my friend Erinn's at her request.

  2. A little late I apologize but here is my Flash Fiction Friday.
