
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Teen Interview #6

Today for our teen interview, I'm bringing you answers from a teen I've had the pleasure of watching grow up.  She's my best friend's sister, and quite possibly the sweetest sixteen-year-old you'll ever meet.  

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I'm a random, mostly happy, and very unique person.  I love APH and history, my two major weaknesses. ((Side note -- APH is a type of manga. I had to look it up, lol.))

What is it about a book that makes you pick it up when you're browsing the shelves of the library or book store?

The title.

What's the best book you've read in the last 6 months?

Hmm.... Either Unwind, Gathering Blue, The Giver, or Messenger. I can't decide.

If you could ban one thing from all books, what would it be?

Corny/Lame Characters

What would you like to see more of in YA novels?

More adventurous heroines.

What's your favorite part of a story: plot, characters, or setting?

All of it? They all make a great story.

Do you feel like characters in YA books are representative of you?

Yes, most of the time when it comes to the books I read.

What's a saying that you use frequently?

"Heh... I'm hungry."

What did you eat for lunch today?

A sandwich, tortilla chips, swiss cheese, a banana, and a fudge round. And water.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

The ability to fly.

Last, but not least, if you could have a book written specifically for you, what would it be about?

A heroic girl with an adventurous streak and a love for animals. Set in a middle-earth type time. With magical creatures and magical powers. ^-^


  1. YES! So glad to read that a teen loves their history class :D I also like the sound of the book that she wants specifically written for her--seems like an intriguing premise.

  2. Great interview- I love to hear what teens think about books! This is a great feature.

  3. APH = AXIS POWERS HETALIA. *high five* XDDD And she's a 'The Giver' fan! She sounds awesome. Thanks so much for posting this interview, Holly.

  4. We have the same fave saying--I'm ALWAYS hungry! :)

  5. Another great article. I say "I'm hungry a lot too!"

  6. Ooh, I'd read that specifically-written book. It sounds awesome. Great interview, Holly :)

  7. Haha, I would have LOVED that specifically-written book when I was a teenager. (And, I'd probably still like it now!) Tell your friend's sister to pick up some Tamora Pierce. They're killer!
