
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Links Around the Web

In a novel, the antagonist can be as important as the protagonist. Kristen Lamb gives us some advice on identifying and creating antagonists:
    Why is the antagonist so important? No antagonist and no story.

Have you ever wondered what an editorial letter looks like? Agent Rachelle Gardner shares one here:
    So today I’ve lifted a bunch of actual sentences from editorial letters I’ve written in the past… just to give you an idea of what it looks like.

Becca Puglisi shares with us voice tips from the pros:
    Voice is what's wrong with most first pages.

As writers, it's important for us to read as well. Author Jodi Meadows tells us about reading as a writer:
    I wouldn’t want to go back to being able to read indiscriminately; it’s important to know the difference between good books and bad books, and keep a healthy diet of good books. As with food. But mostly, it’s important to read, because how can anyone who’s not feeding their creative brain hope to produce anything?

It's easy to compare ourselves to other writers. Agent Kate Schafer Testerman writes about it here:
    That’s where jealousy truly bites you in the ass: because it keeps you from being honestly happy when someone else — your critique partner, or a fellow member in your writing group — finds success.

Does it ever seem to you that every great idea has been written? The Intern gives sage advice on great big truths:
    The more you think about it, the more it seems like every story idea has already been used a million bazillion times. What's the point of even writing another novel?


  1. Love the link from Jodi Meadows. Normally I think that I wish I didn't recognize so many writing conventions/mistakes in my reading now, but she's right. I wouldn't want to go back to reading everything and thinking it's great. That's not true art appreciation. I recently reread one of my favorite books from my younger days and realized it was AWFUL. But instead of being upset about it, I was so happy I'd found better books between then and now to appreciate how much work goes into a really good book.

  2. Thanks for the links. It's always good to double check where you are with your writing and make sure you aren't slipping in any one area.

  3. Great links, Emy--especially the one about the editorial letter. :)

  4. Thanks Emy, I get the 'every idea has been taken' theory. I feel that way sometimes.
