
Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Fives (19): App's

Welcome to our weekly Friday Fives!

What are your FIVE favorite app's, for writing or just for fun?

Post about it on your blog and then leave your link (and blog name) below so everyone can visit your blog today!

Next week's topic: Next week is back to school week for many students. What your five 5 best "back to school" books?


  1. Great topic, really enjoyed writing about this one :)

  2. Hmm. This was hard for me, but I'm looking forward to reading other folk's posts. I need some writing apps in my life. :)

  3. This was super easy, but next week's looks hard. Great topic!

  4. I am currently addicted to Fruit Ninja. I knew for sure it was going to be on my list. The others were a little bit harder to decide on. Great prompt!

  5. Great topic for sure - and I loved seeing what everyone else had to share!

    Happy Friday, everyone!
