
Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Fives (29): Inspiring Authors

Welcome to our weekly Friday Fives!

The FIVE authors who inspire you, writing or otherwise.

Post about it on your blog and then leave your link (and blog name) below so everyone can visit your blog today!

Next week:  In honor of NaNoWriMo, what are The FIVE  ways to get from the beginning to the end of your WiP without losing all your hair? :)


  1. Decided to stop lurking at your blog and comment and participate. Love your Friday Fives!

  2. Friday yet again. I'm starting to suspect that y'all have a time control device. This week just flew by. :D

  3. Great topic, but as always took a lot of thought. Which isn't a bad thing, but this particular morning I'm so tired thanks to Stephanie Perkins (finished her book at 3am) :)

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